
1. Student book: Unit-12 LessonC deerh har deer tsagaanaar bichigdsen conversation g 7 honog bur asuugd!
2. Work book: Unit-12 dasgal ajliig hiih
3. Touchstone Arcade (Interactive) site-r ogoh
4. 120n soril
5. Vocabulary Notebook: 1,2,3 dasgal ajil-g hiih
6. Unit-12 new words urgelj bichij temdeglej blogdoo hiih
7. Esse 3-4 (220-250 words ) ulirliin etsest ooriin bichsen esse-gee (presentation)r hamgaalah (power point)
8. Checkpoint Unit 1-3
9. Soril-4
10. Sem bolon lekts-ee taslaJ bolohgui!! 5s deesh tasalwal bye =))
5/28-nd 30n ononii shalgalt!!

Friday, May 1, 2015

Unit-7 vocabulary notebook


1. go away , move away

2. wake out , work out

3. come back , get back

4. go over , come over

5. sign up , grow up

6. fall down , settle down


-         wake up in the morning

-         break up with your boyfriend / girlfriend

-         sign up for a class

-         get up without an alarm clock

-         grow up in a small town

-         go out with your friends

-         come out late

-         work out at the gym


-         go away , move away , throw away

-         get back , go back , come back

-         breaking down , settle down , fall down

-         hang out , work out , go out , work out

-         sign up , set up , grow up , step up



work out , get along , break up , hang out , settle down

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