
1. Student book: Unit-12 LessonC deerh har deer tsagaanaar bichigdsen conversation g 7 honog bur asuugd!
2. Work book: Unit-12 dasgal ajliig hiih
3. Touchstone Arcade (Interactive) site-r ogoh
4. 120n soril
5. Vocabulary Notebook: 1,2,3 dasgal ajil-g hiih
6. Unit-12 new words urgelj bichij temdeglej blogdoo hiih
7. Esse 3-4 (220-250 words ) ulirliin etsest ooriin bichsen esse-gee (presentation)r hamgaalah (power point)
8. Checkpoint Unit 1-3
9. Soril-4
10. Sem bolon lekts-ee taslaJ bolohgui!! 5s deesh tasalwal bye =))
5/28-nd 30n ononii shalgalt!!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Unit-4 vocabulary notebook

was interested in old cars
used to drink milk
had a beard and a moustache
used to wear a brown hat
always listened to the radio
1. grandfather
was interested in codex
used to drink bear
had a hairless and a goatee
used to wear costume
always listened to plate
2. grandmother
was interested in eyeglass
used to drink greentea
had a short hair and brown eyes
used to wear a dress
always reading to lyric
adopted - to take another persons child into your own family and legally raise him or her as your owm child
ex-husband - a woman's ex-husband is a man that she was married to but is not now married to but is not now married to
separated - to divide into parts or to make something divide into parts
On your own
1. father
would interest in expensive car
used to eat a eggs
always watched to the tv
used to wear jacket
used to brown hair and a moustache
2. mother
would interest in drama
used to drink milk
used to yellow hear and a tall back
used to wear dress
used to listened to kpop music
3. brother
 was interested in motocycle
used to a coca cola
used to wear a funky clothes
always listened to rock music
had a long hair and muscle
4. sister
 would interested in dance
used to drink a coffee
would a long hair and brown eyes
used to wear a dresses
used to reading to horror books
5 youngersister
would interesed in barbie
used  to drink a fresh juice
used to eat a ice-cream
used to play a pc game
used to watching to funny movies

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