
1. Student book: Unit-12 LessonC deerh har deer tsagaanaar bichigdsen conversation g 7 honog bur asuugd!
2. Work book: Unit-12 dasgal ajliig hiih
3. Touchstone Arcade (Interactive) site-r ogoh
4. 120n soril
5. Vocabulary Notebook: 1,2,3 dasgal ajil-g hiih
6. Unit-12 new words urgelj bichij temdeglej blogdoo hiih
7. Esse 3-4 (220-250 words ) ulirliin etsest ooriin bichsen esse-gee (presentation)r hamgaalah (power point)
8. Checkpoint Unit 1-3
9. Soril-4
10. Sem bolon lekts-ee taslaJ bolohgui!! 5s deesh tasalwal bye =))
5/28-nd 30n ononii shalgalt!!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Unit-6 new words

plan - төлөвлөгөө, төсөл
afterwards - хожим нь сүүлд нь, дараа, хожуу, хожим, дараа нь, сүүлд нь
mention - дурдах
fabulous - санаанд багтамгүй, ep бусын
reservation - урьдчилсан захиалга, эргэлзээ
factual - бодитой, үнэн, бодит, баримт бүхий, баримтат, үнэхээр, мэдээлэл бүхий
prediction - урьдаас тааварлах, урьдчилан хэлэх, зөгнөх, таамаглал, төсөөлөл
based - үндэслэгдсэн
project - төсөл, курсын ажил, төлөвлөгөө
fixed- тогтсон, амь бөхтэй, хиймэл
schedules - цагийн хуваарь, цэс, жагсаалт, төлөвлөгөө
invitation - урилга
appropriate - зохистой, зохих зохимжтой, таарах, тохирох
situation - нөхцөл байдал, байр, байрлал
above - дээр, дээгүүр, дээд талд
decision - шийдвэр, шийдвэр төгс байдал
specific - тодорхой
solution - шийдэл, шийдвэр, шийдвэрлэлт, тайлбарлалт, зөвшөөрөл
expression - үг хэллэг, илэрхийлэл
coach - хот хоорондын автобус, вагон, дасгалжуулагч
excuse - уучлалт
volunteer - сайн дурын туслах, сайн дураар
mistake - алдах, буруу ойлгоx
appointment - уулзалт, томилгоо, албан тушаал
representative - түгээмэл, төлөөлсөн
impression - сэтгэгдэл
nervous - тэвдсэн, мэдрэлийн
effort - чармайлт, хүч чармайлт
promotion - дэвших, сурталчилгаа
compare - харьцуулах
necessery - зайлшгүй шаардлагатай
preferable - илүү дээр, эрхэмлэсэн
advisable - зөв зүйтэй, хэлүүштэй, зөвлөмөөр, зүйтэй, тохирох
reduction - буух, багасалт, бууралт, хасах, цомхотгол, уналт, шилжүүлэг, хөнгөлөлт, хямдрал, хувирал, өөрчлөлт, шилжилт
instructor - багш, зааварлагч, сурган хүмүүжүүлэгч, лавлах
assertive - баталсан, өөртөө итгэлтэй, эрч хүчтэй
clutter - шавааралдаан, үймээн, самуун
immediately - нэн даруй, шууд

Unit-5 vocabulary notebook

a. smoked
b. barbecued
c. spicy
d fresh
grilled, smoked, raw, pickled - fish
barbecued, baked, roast, grilled - chicken
freid, boiled, grilled, baked - eggs
steamed, pickled, raw, barbecued - red peppers
steamed, boiled, smoked, pickled - pineapple
boiled, steamed,  pickled, smoked - carrots
mashed - eggs
scrambled - milk
grated - shrimp
creamed - snipach
whole - chocolate
whole wheat - potatoes
dark - bread
sweet and sour - cheese
On your own
fried bananas
steamed fruits
barbecued chicken
baked pizza
roast lamp

Unit-5 new words

refrigerator - хөргөгч, хөргүүр
recently - саяхан
probably - магадгүй
fried - шарсан
grilled - шарсан, жигнэсэн
steam - жигнэх
boiled - чанасан, буцалгасан
baked - жигнэсэн, хайрсан
pickled - давсалсан, дарсан
roast - шарах, хайрах, шарагдах
barbecue - бүхлээр нь шарсан мах
raw - түүхий
smoked - утсан
appetizer - зууш
ingredient - хольц, бүрэлдэхүүн хэсэг, орц
chickpeas - түрэг шош хонин вандуй
mixture - холимог

Unit-4 vocabulary notebook

was interested in old cars
used to drink milk
had a beard and a moustache
used to wear a brown hat
always listened to the radio
1. grandfather
was interested in codex
used to drink bear
had a hairless and a goatee
used to wear costume
always listened to plate
2. grandmother
was interested in eyeglass
used to drink greentea
had a short hair and brown eyes
used to wear a dress
always reading to lyric
adopted - to take another persons child into your own family and legally raise him or her as your owm child
ex-husband - a woman's ex-husband is a man that she was married to but is not now married to but is not now married to
separated - to divide into parts or to make something divide into parts
On your own
1. father
would interest in expensive car
used to eat a eggs
always watched to the tv
used to wear jacket
used to brown hair and a moustache
2. mother
would interest in drama
used to drink milk
used to yellow hear and a tall back
used to wear dress
used to listened to kpop music
3. brother
 was interested in motocycle
used to a coca cola
used to wear a funky clothes
always listened to rock music
had a long hair and muscle
4. sister
 would interested in dance
used to drink a coffee
would a long hair and brown eyes
used to wear a dresses
used to reading to horror books
5 youngersister
would interesed in barbie
used  to drink a fresh juice
used to eat a ice-cream
used to play a pc game
used to watching to funny movies

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Unit-4 new words

gripe - засаг, засаг захиргаа, эрх мэдэл, дарлал
stay out - гэртээ ирэхгүй оройтох, ажил хаялтаа үргэлжлүүлж байх
clean up - цэвэрлэх
reasonable - учир ойлгох, дажгүй, боломжийн, хэр тааруу
demand - шаардах, шаардлага тавих
crawl - мөлхөх, мөлхөх хэвлээр явах
broccoli - броколь байцаа, бундуут байцаа, брокколи, байцаа
pressure - дарамт
grow up - том болох, төрөх
plus - нэмэх, нэмэх тэмдэг
exactly - яг, яг тийм
definitely - эргэлзээгүй, тодорхой, илэрхий. ойлгомжтой
absolutely - үнэхээр, туйлын, яах аргагүй
terrible - аймшигтай, аймаар
especially - ялангуяа, онцгойлон, гол төлөв, үнэн хэрэгтээ, тухайлбал
shame - ичгүүр, шившиг
ideal -  төгс төгөлдөр
backseat - рок хөгжмийн суурь аялгуу
hurt - өвдөх
policy - засаг захиргаа
otherwise - өөрөөр хэлбэл, өөр тохиолдолд, өөр нөхцөлд, өөрөөр бол, эсрэг тохиолдолд
recall - эргэн санах, ой санамж
outside - гадна, гадна тал
determine - тогтоох, шийдэх
still - одоо болтол
inside - дотор, дотоод
inevitably - гарцаагүй
adopted - үрчлэгдсэн, өргөж авсан
ex-husband - салсан нөхөр
separated - саланги, тусдаа, тусгаарласан

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

My happiest childhood memory

I have so many wonderful childhood memories, but most of them are like snapshots or short motion pictures in my mind.

I grew up in the Mongolian countryside, and my family lived on a rather swampy lake, although the seaweed was no turn off for me!  I loved the lake.  I would go out on it in a paddle boat with my brother, and sometimes my family would go fishing and end up catching bass, walleye, and sunfish, which we’d then cook for supper.  It was especially fun to explore the lake because its boundaries weren’t so clearly defined...there were certain areas that were almost secretive, and we would always enjoy feeling like adventurers.  I remember numerous times when we tried to construct boats out of planks of wood...and once when we even attempted a submarine!  I made a tiny island near the edge that was quite fun to construct until I ran into some sort of underground bee colony?!

We also had a garden with sunflowers, tomatoes, rhubarb, carrots, peas, beans, corn...Once, when we were digging some sort of moat around the perimeter to keep out the deer, we hit what seemed to be natural groundwater.  We thought it was a spring, but after a while, this peculiar smell surprised us.  It turned out our septic system had a leak...

My brother and I would organize these family Olympics with events that generally involved running around the house, and sometimes when my grandmother came over, we would play hide-and-seek with her.  We had a set of walkie talkies, so we would find hiding places and then communicate with each other as to her location.  Let’s just say that Grandma is kind of a large woman, so to say the least, she didn’t enjoy walking all over our yard trying to catch us!

We would also occasionally "cook" dinner for our parents, although I could never understand why my dad didn’t seem so excited about it!  The normal meal was garlic bread and probably scrambled eggs, and we (or at least I) loved pretending to be the chef and waiter.
In the winter, we of course had feet and feet of snow, which always made for some pretty awesome winter skating on the lake, sledding down our hill, building snow forts and an igloo (once), snowball fights!  I’d stay outside for hours in my humongous coat.

This is so much fun for me, but I’ll try not to bore you too much more.  My favorite other memories were probably exploring in the tall grass, driving the lawn mower with my dad, feeding the geese, playing on this old playground, and biking around "the circle" at my grandparents’ place...oh, and exploring my grandpa’s workshop was always exciting!  Fun times