
1. Student book: Unit-12 LessonC deerh har deer tsagaanaar bichigdsen conversation g 7 honog bur asuugd!
2. Work book: Unit-12 dasgal ajliig hiih
3. Touchstone Arcade (Interactive) site-r ogoh
4. 120n soril
5. Vocabulary Notebook: 1,2,3 dasgal ajil-g hiih
6. Unit-12 new words urgelj bichij temdeglej blogdoo hiih
7. Esse 3-4 (220-250 words ) ulirliin etsest ooriin bichsen esse-gee (presentation)r hamgaalah (power point)
8. Checkpoint Unit 1-3
9. Soril-4
10. Sem bolon lekts-ee taslaJ bolohgui!! 5s deesh tasalwal bye =))
5/28-nd 30n ononii shalgalt!!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Who is someone I really admire?

Who is someone I really admire?

I really admire Steven Paul  Jobs. He is widely recognized the cofounder of “Apple” corporation. Apple is one of the top companies of computers and electronic fields in the world. 

Nowadays people use a wise word in their speech. The wise word is about Three apples changed the world forever. The first is Adam and Eva’s Apple. The second is an apple which dropped from apple tree to Isaac Newton’s head. Then Newton discovered theory of gravity. The third is Steve Job’s apple which is identity of “Apple” corporation. 

Steve Jobs was an American entrepreneur, marketer and inventor. In 1955, Steve’s biological mother, student Juano gave her baby to childless couple Paul and Clara Jobs. Because of she can’t feed her baby. Job’s promised her a good education for the boy. 

When Steve Job was 17, he was at Reed College. But he went out of college after first semister. He has said once “That was the best decision of my life” Of course it was beginning of legendary and visionary. He met Steven Voznier in 1974. They cofound “Apple computer co” When they were 20. The first big order was 50 apple I computer assembly invented by them. At the end of 1980, the company came out at the National level. But that year he fired from his company. But Steve didn’t give up. Next 5 years He has cofound 2 companies. They  are “Next” and “Pixar” Pixar became the most popular animation. He has been transforming one another from computer and smartphones to music and movies. 

In 1996 Apple was bought “Next” When Apple was being in crisis. Steve Job’s became a director of Apple again. Then Apple has introduced first ipod, iphone and macbook air for next year. Steve Job’s died in 2011. But his futurism is going on. I think he is a master of innovation. World called him a father of digital revolution. /254 words/

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