
1. Student book: Unit-12 LessonC deerh har deer tsagaanaar bichigdsen conversation g 7 honog bur asuugd!
2. Work book: Unit-12 dasgal ajliig hiih
3. Touchstone Arcade (Interactive) site-r ogoh
4. 120n soril
5. Vocabulary Notebook: 1,2,3 dasgal ajil-g hiih
6. Unit-12 new words urgelj bichij temdeglej blogdoo hiih
7. Esse 3-4 (220-250 words ) ulirliin etsest ooriin bichsen esse-gee (presentation)r hamgaalah (power point)
8. Checkpoint Unit 1-3
9. Soril-4
10. Sem bolon lekts-ee taslaJ bolohgui!! 5s deesh tasalwal bye =))
5/28-nd 30n ononii shalgalt!!

Friday, May 1, 2015

Unit-8 vocabulary notebook


1. I wouldn’t worry about it . People usually forget about things like that .

2. I’d apologize immediately for forgetting about the date .

3. I’d offer to pay for dinner another time .

4. I’d tell her I was thinking about other things .

5. I wouldn’t speak to her until she was less upset

6. I’d blame my boss to keeping me in a meeting at work

7. I’d wait to her to finish , and then I’d remind her about the time she didn’t meet me


1. I agreed to my boss for the best solution

2. He applied for a job with a software company

3. I explained the problem to my boss

4. I forgave my friend about losing my cd

5. My neighbor invited me to a party last week

6. We complained to the neighbors about the noise

7. My parents blamed me for damaging their car

On your own

1. Never make trouble to people

2. Always smile to people

3. Always forget about bad things in the past

4. Never give up for your own decision

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